Hydroelectric plants


Hydroelectric plants


For over fifteen years FFC srl has been performing both ordinary and extraordinary maintenance on hydroelectric turbines.

The operations we are able to perform include the installation of hydraulic turbines, axial turbines, in particular Pelton, Francis, Kaplan , synchronous and asynchronous generators, sluice-gates, single-stage and multi-stage pumps, reversible pump-turbines, turbine components such as rotary and throttle valves, command and cooling system pipe construction and welding.

In particular, we have applied our experience and expertise to work on the Enel plants (Italy’s leading energy company) in the north-east of Italy, having been awarded two major maintenance contracts, which have still left us able to undertake other projects all over Italy.

Over these years FFC has worked on maintenance projects at the following plants, to name but a few:

  • Garletto plant (TR)
  • Pian della Rocca plant (LU)
  • Diga di Chievo plant (VR)
  • Ponte Caffaro plant (BS)
  • Nera Montoro plant (TR)
  • Monte Sant’Angelo plant (TR)
  • Lappago plant (BZ)
  • Varzo plant – Bargi plant (BO) 

 We have worked overseas on:

  • Beles plant (Ethiopia)
  • Karnfuli plant (Bangladesh)
  • Santa Teresa plant (Peru)
  • Cerro de Aguila plant (Peru)

To work in this specific sector FFC has obtained certification for the MMIM13 qualification for the maintenance of hydraulic turbines at ENEL, with categories MMIM06, FMGE31, FMVA21, FMGE29, FMGE13, FMGE09, MMIM01 and LCCC02.

Request a quote or

Contact us at  +390437 858411 via email at info@ffc-srl.com or fill out the form below